About Woessner Advisory

Why Woessner Advisory Associates?

Mr. Woessner, a licensed attorney, is former Senior Counsel to the US House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, which is the Committee that initiated the legislation that authorized crowdfunding with the enactment of JOBS (“Jumpstart our Business Startups”) Act 1.0 in 2014. As Senior Counsel, he was special advisor to the Committee Chairman and assisted in securing the passage of JOBS Act 3.0 that passed the US House of Representatives by a vote of 406 – 4.

Additionally, he brings years of legal, business, and capital raising experience to assist you with your crowdfunding, including:

  • Helped raise more than $120M in public and private debt and equity capital
  • General Counsel for 17 years to two NASDAQ-listed companies
  • CEO of an OTC Markets traded start-up that he listed on NASDAQ
  • One of fewer than approximately 300 CEOs in America to have up-listed a company to NASDAQ since 2015
  • Author of numerous articles relating to raising equity capital, See here.

Author of comments filed with the SEC regarding needed changes to make it easier for entrepreneurs like you to raise capital, See here and here.